2015 UTC and Ohio State Camp
Summer Wrestling Camps
We have 2 things left for the summer, UTC Camp and Ohio State Camp. I have attached the list of individuals that have confirmed for the camps. If you still want to attend either UTC or OSU Camps you can, I just need to know ASAP. Details for Chattanooga camp are below. Ohio State Details coming soon (July 8thto 11th)
Chattanooga Camp:
We will be leaving Sunday Morning at 10 am. Will need 1 or 2 parents to help drive the kids down on Sunday. We will return on Wednesday around 1 or 2 pm and we might need 1 additional driver. Items to bring to camp are attached. Medicals Forms are attached as well. If you need a hard copy of the forms please let me know and I can send home tomorrow with wrestlers at Youth camp. Make sure to have forms and payment ready on Sunday when we leave. Have bags and items packed that are on the list. You will also need about $10-$20 of spending money for Lunch on Sunday and nightly snacks at the camp store. Meals are provided at the cafeteria while at camp except for Lunch on the very first day. Other questions, please let me know.